New characters were revealed for the Final Fantasy Versus XIII game. Until now the confirmed characters are:
The protagonist who is a mysterious young man with dark blue-ish grey hair and crimson coloured eyes. He is the last heir to a dynasty, ruling the only remaining city in the world which controls crystals. A young woman with blond hair who wields a rapier while another is a young man who appears to be an acquaintance of the protagonist and brandishes a short shotgun. Two who seems to be allies of the protagonist: a man who wears glasses seen driving the protagonist's car and a man with a scar over his left eye. In the end, another man, older and dressed in a business suit, appears during a meeting with several other men. He has the same eyes as the protagonist, so because of it, it seems that the two of them are related. Tetsuya Nomura has said about the game "Versus XIII is supposed to resemble the modern-day world. I wanted to make this world resemble our world we live in today. This is integrated to the story as well but the reason I chose to use a Shakespeare quote at the beginning of the trailer is to make the tie with the real world we live today". You can watch a trailer of the game below.
poly kalo
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