Sunday, August 24, 2008

Madonna's Sticky & Sweet Tour Started

Madonna's Sticky & Sweet Tour started yesterday at the Millennium Stadium in the Welsh city of Cardiff. Madonna knows how to have good shows and she needs a lot of things to do it. During the opening of her “Sticky and Sweet” tour in the UK Saturday evening, she went trough three racks of clothing and $1.85 million worth of Swarovski crystals. The production involved over 600 hours of rehearsal time along with a 250-person entourage (including a chiropractor, personal trainer and masseuse) - enough to fill a passenger jet. Madonna employed 36 designers to create the 3,500 separate items of clothing that she used in the show. The show included included eight costume changes. Pharrell Williams, Kanye West and Britney Spears appeared in video clips. Britney was stuck on an elevator whispering the lines “express yourself, don’t repress yourself” and ends by saying in the end of the video, the Gimme more first line, “It’s Britney, b****.” The show's setlist was:

  1. "Candy Shop"
  2. "Beat Goes On"
  3. "Human Nature"
  4. "Vogue"
  5. "Die Another Day Remix" (Video Interlude)
  6. "Into the Groove"
  7. "Heartbeat"
  8. "Borderline"
  9. "She's Not Me"
  10. "Music"
  11. "Rain Remix" (Video Interlude)
  12. "Devil Wouldn't Recognize You"
  13. "Spanish Lesson"
  14. "Miles Away"
  15. "La Isla Bonita"
  16. "You Must Love Me"
  17. "Get Stupid Remix" (Video Interlude)
  18. "4 Minutes"
  19. "Like a Prayer"
  20. "Ray of Light"
  21. "Hung Up"
  22. "Give It 2 Me"

See more pictures of the show here. See below Madonna performing Into The Groove and Britney's Video for the concert.

Into The Groove

Britney's Video


mairaki said...

Madonna is a godess...she is one of a kind!!But i am a little dissapointed...i need to hear erotica and of course justify my love.At least she sings VOGUE.God i miss the 80s Madonna...

Fantasy715 said...

I love erotica too Mairaki but I'm really glad she's gonna sing many songs from her past! Into the groove and La isls bonita are two of my favourites! Can't wait for the concert!!

mairaki said...

kollite m fantasy15 dn 8a adexa n mn akousw na leei auto to 8ruliko:wanting...needing...waiting for you to justify my love